International Yoga Day Celebrated at LNCT Campus
International Yoga Day Celebrated at LNCT Group of Colleges एलएनसीटी , एलएनसीटी यूनिवर्सिटी, जेएनसीटी , एलएनसीटीएस, एलएनसीटीई, एलएनसीटी-फार्मेसी, एमसीए, एमबीए में आज अंतरराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस जोश
LNCT Group of College is one of the Top engineering college in Bhopal, MP and Central India. LNCT Synonymous with excellence in higher education with 32+ Years of Academic Excellence and Discipline.
International Yoga Day Celebrated at LNCT Group of Colleges एलएनसीटी , एलएनसीटी यूनिवर्सिटी, जेएनसीटी , एलएनसीटीएस, एलएनसीटीई, एलएनसीटी-फार्मेसी, एमसीए, एमबीए में आज अंतरराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस जोश
“Tobacco Threatens us All” Say NO to Tobacco. LNCTians took pledge to say NO to Tobacco on this “World No Tobacco Day”. Various awareness programs
Reception : 0755-6185300,0755-6185300/1/2/3/4/5
Admission Cell : 7440777111, 7201800001, 0755-6185350, 0755-6685400
Training & Placement Cell : 9826062730, 0755-6185341
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LNCT Campus, Kalchuri Nagar, (P.O. Kolua) Raisen Road, Bhopal-462022 (M.P).