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Department of Chemical Engineering | LNCT Group of Colleges

LNCT Group of Colleges is committed to set new benchmarks in academics and technological innovation!

Chemical Engineering 1

Department of Chemical Engineering

The Department of Chemical Engineering started in 2012, with an intake of 60 at undergraduate program in Chemical Engineering. Since inception, the department has undergone steady developments. The department has qualified, experienced and adequate faculty as per cadre ratios. It has 11 laboratories in the areas of Mass Transfer, Reaction Engineering, Process Control etc. with computer interfacing. Modern equipments like 3 Distillation Columns, Cooling Tower, Batch and Semi-batch Reactors as well as software like AFT Fathom, Ansys etc.. are available for use. Faculty members are encouraged to present research papers in conferences and participate in workshops, Staff Development Program etc.. The first batch of chemical engineering will be graduating in 2016.

Research assistance for paper presentation and travel grants for India and abroad are provided by LNCT and government agencies like MPCST, AICTE, DST etc.

B.E./B.Tech. (4 Years Duration)

College NameLNCT | LNCTE | LNCT&S
Eligibility CriteriaEligibility-XII with: Physics + Maths + (Chemistry/Computer Science/Biology) with Min. 45% (40% for SC/ST/OBC MP Domicile Candidate) with qualified rank in JEE.
Eligibility(Direct/Lateral Entry)-2nd Year.
Direct Admission:
1. Min. 45% (40% for SC/ST/OBC) in B.Sc. and passed 12th examination with Maths.
2. Min. 45% (40% for SC/ST/OBC) in Diploma in Engg.
Duration4 Years

Student Chapters and Societies in Department


To be recognized as a leader committed to excellence in higher education, research and innovation in the field of Chemical Engineering meeting the aspirations of the global community.


  • To provide professional environment conducive to faculty, students and staff to make lasting contributions to the advancement of knowledge.
  • To provide dynamic, innovative and flexible program leading to excellence in Chemical Engineering.
  • To produce globally competent Chemical Engineers having creative skills and ethical values.
  • To carry out cutting-edge research and development for the benefit of society.
  • To produce acceptable Chemical Engineers meeting out employability of chemical process industries.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  • To apply natural sciences and life sciences together with mathematics and economics to produce, transform, transport and utilize chemicals, materials and energy.
  • To hold lead positions in industrial firms and governmental agencies concerned with environmental protection.
  • To meet employable treads for engineers of chemical process industries.
  • Recruitment of chemical engineers by industries.
  • To develop in students an interest for higher studies.
Admission Open