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Department of Engineering Mathematics | LNCT Group of Collges

LNCT Group of Colleges is committed to set new benchmarks in academics and technological innovation!

Department of Engineering Mathematics 1

Department of Engineering Mathematics

LNCT Group of Colleges

The department of Mathematics, one of the vibrant department of the institution, established in the year 1994. Department functions as a service agency providing support to UG & PG departments and lays a sound foundation for learning engineering & technical subjects. The aim of department is to inculcate analytical skills in mathematical sciences so as to enable the students to apply and formulate in solution making approaches of their technical subjects. Definitely the learning of mathematics will enhance and widen the mathematical aptitude, analytical skills, logical reasoning and systematic thinking of the students

Head of Department

Department of Engineering Mathematics


The department is growing with adequate qualified faculty members. Department gave high priority to quality research and education. All faculty members are PhD’s and having Publications in National and International Journals, with regular updating with research and innovations. The faculty members are participating in National & International level Workshop/Seminars/Conferences in the country and abroad. The research pursued in the Department of Mathematics includes a fairly wide spectrum of interests in Mathematical sciences in Pure and Applied Mathematics like:

  • Special Function
  • Bio-mathematics
  • Optimization Techniques
  • Fixed point theory
  • Fuzzy metric space
Admission Open