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LNCT Bhopal | Central India's No. 1 Engineering Institute - Bhopal

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Digital Classrooms 1

Digital Classrooms

Developments and changes are the laws of nature. This technology has already crept in and it can cater to the needs of diverse spheres like – colleges. This is the outstanding technology that’s going to be the face of the new era – the Digital Classroom.

There is adequate number of classrooms in campus for the students enrolled in our college. Classrooms are well furnished and designed as per International standards to ensure effective teacher-student interaction. They are also equipped with Digital board and LCD projectors and a host of other contemporary teaching aids.

Upgraded level of Smart Classrooms

Blackboard and chalk had been replaced by Whiteboards and the time has come to upgrade the level of Smart Classroom and replace whiteboards by Digital Writing Pad and Pen. With this methodology one can overcome the disadvantages and limitations of the Whiteboard methodology or the Smart Classrooms. All that the teachers teach through text, drawings, graphs, presentation and the like can be demonstrated to the student through the digital writing pad and pen. Teacher can also highlight or underline a particular point while explaining a particular concept without blocking the vision of the student as is the problem with the White boards.


The DLS is easy-to-use methodology that can be taken from one classroom/training room to another or to a laboratory and even used in the fields. It is a well assorted methodology that involves a right mix of integrated hardware, software, content and technology.

Create learning modules

Once you are through with the recording of lecture, you can package it by editing and removing unnecessary frames and integrating it with any other file that might make the lecture rich. Thereafter you can also make an online module of your lecture through the CMS. This online e-learning course can be viewed by anyone and everyone.

Effortless content creation

Teacher just has to teach without any technical involvement and the system automatically records the classroom experience and convert in to the lecture and makes it available for viewing many time, anytime, anywhere.

Digital Classrooms 2
Digital Classrooms 3

Easy to use teaching solution

Digital Lecture Studio replaces your blackboard, chalk and expensive white board. The specially designed digital writing pad & pen can be used to write, draw, insert images, same as blackboard & chalk experience and can be projected onto any surface through projector.

Comprehensive workflow

Fully equipped studio (hardware and software) that facilitates the teacher for conducting the class effectively. It is very simple; teacher can teach in class on digital lecture studio and record it automatically. Once the file is recorded, it can be automatically sent to the network server or web server and made available for viewing.

Broadcast your Classroom

While teaching, lecture can also be broadcast live over the web for student to view from antwhere. Its allows instructor to moderate live demonstrations, including real time audio, video and text chat.

Edit recorded lecture

Teacher can edit the recorded lecture with easy to use lecture editing tools.

Key point bookmarking

The teacher can arrange the content and bookmark each sub-topic individually , this will in turn facilitate the searching of that topic, wherein the students will be drawn to the exact topic they were looking for at one go.


After editing teacher can save his lecture in to various video format as per his convenience and make it available for podcast or webcast or even convert it in to an online eLearning course with the help of CMS.


A Publish manager monitors and reports the publish lecture status, automates publishing on eLearning web server portals, institute campus server and Digital library.


The teacher can plan the lesson in advance and integrate his resources beforehand. While teaching, the teacher can also underline or highlight and show it through the digital white board. The teacher can also package the recorded lecture by integrating it with power point presentations, pictures, multimedia files, movie files, or movie files, or even browse a topic from internet for use in future lecturing.

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